Some useful tips how take your own headshots!
If you are thinking of trying to take your own headshots, below are a few tips to help your get a decent result.
- Find some diffused light i.e a shaded area out of direct sun
- Ideally a plain background that is non distracting, you could hang a plain sheet behind you or shoot in a doorway so that the background behind you is darkened.
- Put your camera or phone on a tripod or stand and turn on the self timer
- Stand straight on to camera or maybe a slight angle of the body but with your head straight.
- Hands should be in pockets, shoulders back and down in a confident but relaxed manner.
- Push your chin forward towards the lens and rotate your forward slightly down.
- Take a bunch of test shots and once you are happy with the angle then try working on your expression starting with a soft eye gaze into the lens and a small hint of smile.
- To edit the shot you can use the Face tune app or edit mode on your phone just don’t overdo it i.e keeping the settings to no more than 10-20% opacity.