Linkedin headshot
Linkedin Headshot
Linkedin headshot
LinkedIn headshot
Linkedin headshots, headshot photographer
Linkedin headshots
Linkedin headshot

LinkedIn Headshots

A professional linkedIn headshot is an important piece of your profile and in the digital age it is no longer considered a luxury it is essential that you have a professional photographer take it for you. Your Headshot should be both confident and friendly and needs to be formatted correctly to work effectively on your profile.


Don’t worry we know all the tips and tricks to guide you through the process and make it easy.

Yes we will show you how to stand, position your head and also coach a good facial expression, you just need to be prepared to work through the process with us until all the pieces come together, it usually just takes about 10 mins to get the knack of it all and find the right angles.

It’s important to look the part and that part is determined by what industry you work in ie it makes no sense for a plumber to wear a suit just like it makes no sense for a lawyer to wear a high vis vest. How you would go to an interview is a good start and or what you might wear to an important meeting when you want to make an impression. Also if you book with us we will send you some tips prior to the shoot to help you best prepare.

A quick shoot just for Linkedin purposes will take around 30 mins and up to 3 hours if you want to shoot some wardrobe/setup changes and get your makeup done.

Rates for individuals start at $295 for a studio shoot with an edited image supplied ready to use. You might want to get a few more shots for different usages and to get a quote for an extended session click HERE to get in touch.

It can be a very good idea to have a professional do this also but it is not always necessary. Generally if your budget allows for it it will be the best plan to have it booked but if it’s not in budget we can work through a shoot without it. The cost to have an artist come to the  studio and get you ready costs starts starts at $185.

We are pleased to say this very rarely happens and we will also review the shots with you as the shoots progresses.

Absolutely we will professionally edit your chosen image(s) including skin smoothing and blemish removal (if necessary),correcting colours and also cropping.

If you want to keep some additional images from the shoot the cost is $65 per image

We have limited “book online” spots available by using the button at the top of this page. Otherwise if you cannot see a time that suits click HERE to send us an email or you can call the studio directly on (03) 8538 1427.

For booking enquires or to view our portfolio click the buttons below.